Saturday, February 16, 2013

Generate java from Wsdl with gradle

UPDATE: I have made a plugin to do this, just follow the guide on .

 The plain simple way to generate java from wsdl is this: add a javaexec task to your wsdl and run. The following code snippet will help you out:

The "wsdlsToGenerate" contains all the arguments for the class, in the right order.

However, if you have a project like I have with 58 different wsdls, this approach is very time consuming. This is because every time createJavaFromWsdl() is called, a new java process will be started, executed and stopped. Now you have 58 sequential java processes running in your build script(!). 

Instead, why not run everything in the same java process? This can be done with code snippet 2: 

Now, this adds some dependencies to the build-script, but I can live with that.
The runtime from snippet1 with 58 wsdls is 2min 58secons on my laptop. The runtime of snippet2 is 24seconds!