Monday, September 21, 2015

assertj java7

Do NOT use assertj v 3.x if you are developing for java 7 or android. You will end up with the error
error: cannot access CompletableFuture
Downgrade to assertj 2.x to fix it if you are using jdk7, use version 1.x if you are developing for android.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Connecting to redis on heroku with golang

I have an app on heroku using the redis-addon provided by heroku ("Redis Heroku"). To connect to this instance using go-redis, I have found this to be a working solution:
  • The redis url is provided as an environment variable, REDIS_URL
  • To use redis from golang, I use redis-go.  I install this library by typing "go get"
  • Parse the url and extract the user before connecting(unless, you might end up with the error "dial tcp: too many colons in address redis://...")