Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Setting up your favourites in Eclipse

I have started to use the corematchers from org.hamcrest, and find them very useful and easy to understand. They give a grammatical touch to my assert-statements that the regular assertEquals(...) does not. E.g. assertTrue(a > 0) can be written as assertThat( a , is(greaterThan(0))), which can be easier for non-technical people to understand.

Anyway, to avoid manual static imports, let eclipse do the job for you. Configure it as follows:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Remote logging with GWT

Remote logging was introduced in gwt 2.1, but the documentation is still a bit incomplete. To enable remote logging you will have to

  1. Add configuration-stuff in your .gwt.xml file:

    < inherits name="" >
    < set-property name="gwt.logging.simpleRemoteHandler" value="ENABLED" >
    < /set-property >
    < /inherits >

  2. Add the remote logging servlet in your web.xml (remember to replace YOURPROJECT with your projects name):
    < servlet >
    < servlet-class> </servlet-class >
    < servlet-name >logger < /servlet-name >
    < /servlet >
    < servlet-mapping >
    < servlet-name>logger </servlet-name >
    < url-pattern>/YOURPROJECT/remote_logging </url-pattern >
    < /servlet-mapping >
Happy logging!